Who we are?

  • We are a group of creative, young, and ambitious architects. We established our own studio in 2019. We aim and plan to provide creative and innovative modern architectural designs.
  • We specialize in de exterior and interior design, details design, and planning of buildings.
  • We make a complete study of context and all your requirements and design your dreams.
  • Our portfolio includes cultural complexes, private residences, apartments, landscapes, and factories.

What is a Good Design specially in architecture

1. First of all, “It must be functional” which seems to be the simplest one, but sometimes hardest to achieve.

2. Then it must be accessible for all groups of people. Our built environment should be in a condition that disables can also make use of it.

3. It is very important that a good design be emotionally resonant. It is not always like that every design has this sense, but every great design should be an attempt to stir the senses.

4. Buildings need both structural and aesthetic durability. It’s important to innovate and be creative, but it’s not nice to have a design that looks outdated before that last coat of paint dries.

5. Architects can’t be unconsidered anymore. The buildings we design and the energy they require generate more carbon dioxide than cars. It’s time to do the right things and pay attention to features of sustainability in every design.

6. Whether we like it or not, all architecture is considered a kind of  public architecture. Architects have a responsibility to look both within and beyond the walls of the buildings. Outside a private house can also be a public architecture.

7. Architecture is a combination of art and engineering. So a “being Beautiful” is an adjective which is always connected to architecture. 

8. The other important issue is ”Ergonomics” especially these days where the architects mostly use digital tools to draw their 3Ds.  Take a step back and put a person in your digital model to see if it is ergonomic or not. Buildings must relate to the scale of the people that inhabit them.

9. Being affordable is one of the hardest for architects. Architects typically wait for the client  with money, land and an idea that wants our services. But this kind of client type represents a small portion of society. Creating affordable architecture is more difficult and very important.

10. Well made. Architects don’t make anything. Our say in how well a building is built is limited to a set of instructions we provide. The end people that actually build it have little to no actual interaction with the architect. This means our instructions better be good, and just as important, easy to understand.
